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You can send notifications to one or more users of Unyfy using the Notifications feature.

Find it in your UPM under Users / Notifications.

When you get to the notifications section of your UPM you will see an overview of all notifications that either happened in the past, are scheduled to happen in the future, or ones still in draft status. You can enter a detail view of each notification and edit those notifications that are either in Draft status or scheduled to happen.

Creating a Notification

Creating a Notification from the User Overview Page (All Users)

You can also create a notification via the user overview page by selecting several users and using the bulk action Notification.

  1. Select the user or users you want to send a notification to in the overview of All Users. You can apply filters to effectively find the users you want to notify.
  2. Click Bulk Actions and select Notification from the dropdown.
  3. In the following dialog you first need to provide a title and a notification for the notification.
    • the Title is only shown when you enable the dialog field.
    • the Notification is shown in the Notifications section of a user
    • the Dialog is a pop-up dialog that will be prominently displayed to the user
  4. You can add a button with a link to an external URL to the notification. You can determine both, what the buttons says (CTA Button Text) as well as the link itself when you create the notification.
  5. You can create a dialog that is presented to the user as a pop-up. This dialog can include a hero medium, e.g. the logo of the sponsor, as well as a dedicated message that can differ from the text shown in the Notification section.
  6. Optionally add a Sponsor to the notification or schedule the notification to be sent on a specific time in the future. Find more detail on these options below.

If you wand to notify all members of a given Space, you can go to its detail view in your UPM (you can find this under Moderation / Spaces) and click Show Filtered Users. From there, you can send all space members a custom notification.

Creating a Notification from the User Detail Page

When you select a user from the list and go to their detail page, you can find a Actions button in the top right corner. Click here and select Notification from the dropdown. Now you can follow the steps from the previous section.

Adding a Sponsor to a Notification

You have the option to have a Sponsor present a Notification. A Sponsor entity has to be created first, before you can assign a notification to it.

Scheduling a Notification

When creating a notification you can schedule it to happen some time in the future by selecting a date and time from the settings panel.


After you have saved a notification you will need to schedule it by clicking the Schedule button in the top right corner.

This intermediary step was build to give you a chance to review the notification before putting it in the calendar. Once you have successfully scheduled the notification it will show up in the overview list (Users / Notifications) with the status Scheduled.